Project K Part Four: The Sith Triumvirate

For generations Sith power went unchecked. Before the Rule of Two was the guiding principle of the Sith order, countless dark lords, apprentices, and acolytes vied for power over one another. One of the most infamous offshoots was the Sith Triumvirate, a group that rose from the ashes of Revan’s Sith Empire and sought to annihilate the Jedi Order.

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Project K Part 3: Darth Malak and Bastila Shan

A Sith is driven by hate, anger, and ambition – ambition that always ends in betrayal of the master by the apprentice. Jedi let go of these feelings and live the most peaceful, balanced life possible. Kotor let you choose your path, and Project K now brings two more heroes into the fold – the vile Darth Malak and the loyal Jedi, Bastila Shan. Continue reading “Project K Part 3: Darth Malak and Bastila Shan”

Project K Part 2: Sith Reinforcements

Lego Kotor strikes back with custom Sith infantry! Continue reading “Project K Part 2: Sith Reinforcements”

Project K Part One: Canderous and Carth

Lego Kotor is here!

Continue reading “Project K Part One: Canderous and Carth”

Definite Article: LGBT+SW

A galaxy far, far away hits home in plenty of ways. And now it’s making a welcome environment for the LGBT+ fans and community, giving them new characters to adore and identify with. Mostly canon, but definitely an article, keep reading for a look at great LGBT+ Star Wars characters across Legends and Canon!

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Anniversary: Year One in Review

The Empire’s Elite has turned one year old! Starting this blog and sharing my Star Wars thoughts has been a lot of fun and I wanted to share some favorite moments from the past year, plus some things to look forward to going ahead. Check it out, meatbags!

Continue reading “Anniversary: Year One in Review”

Inside the Fire: Inferno Squad Review

Nothing can stop the Empire! In the immediate aftermath of the first Death Star’s destruction, a new Imperial special forces team is formed to deal with the growing threat of well-informed rebel cells. And these aren’t just any run-of-the-mill rebels – these terrorists are the direct successors to the extremist Saw Gerrera! Read on to get some insight on the exciting Battlefront II novel from Christie Golden.

Continue reading “Inside the Fire: Inferno Squad Review”

Battlefront 2: The Story So Far

As we draw closer to the Fall, November 17th to be exact, more details are slowly coming to light on EA Games’ newest entry into the Battlefront saga. It’s shaping up not only to be a game that will please frustrated fans of the first game, but also fill a very interesting part of canon – what will happen to the most loyal Imperials when their Empire no longer has an Emperor? Continue reading “Battlefront 2: The Story So Far”